Second Ajax Quadruple Screw Feeder for Enviropower

Solids handling equipment specialist, Ajax Equipment, has supplied Enviropower, a leading biomass waste to energy provider, with a second quadruple screw feeder for biomass waste processing. The eleven-meter-long, mild steel feeder will expand the plant’s capacity to transport shredded pre-sorted biomass waste as part of a process to generate green electricity.
Designed to work with a wide range of irregularly shaped biomass waste, the Ajax multi-screw feeders include a range of features to ensure consistent performance. To ensure the free movement of material, each of the machines’ four heavy duty screws have a substantial clearance between themselves and the casing. While in the event of a blockage relief overload flap plates ensure any disruption is minimised and biomass wasted continues to be transported. Should maintenance be required on one of the feeder’s screws, the design allows for that screw to be removed and the remaining screws continue to operate.
Commenting, Marc Linberry, operations director at Enviropower, said, "Ajax worked closely with us to overcome a couple of teething problems with the first quadruple screw feeder, and their fast response and determination to overcome these issues and provide us with reliable and well-functioning equipment left us with no doubt but to return to them when we wanted an identical system for our other biomass waste processing line."
“Working with the feedback Enviropower has provided on the first quadruple screw feeder has enabled Ajax to revise and refine the design. Testing and observation of performance is one of the most valuable parts of producing solids handling equipment,” said Eddie McGee, managing director, Ajax Equipment.
For more information on Ajax’s waste to energy projects, call +44 (0)1204 386723 or visit our
Renewable Energy page.